What is Fidenz Academy?

What is Fidenz Academy?

Fidenz Academy is a novel employee recruitment process to select, train, and mentor individuals, with a passion and skills for software development. The trainee engineers get an opportunity to work with senior engineers on multiple technologies to understand and practice the fundamentals of computer programming with real-world problems.

Fidenz Academy is an on-the-job training program for fresh graduates or undergrads to build core programming skills and effectively work on commercial projects. Fidenz has used this training methodology in the last eight years to recruit engineers who now deliver complex projects with the latest technologies.

Who May Join Fidenz Academy?

Who May Join Fidenz Academy?

Anyone may apply to join the academy. The applicants would complete an aptitude test before being chosen as trainees. We do not set criteria for selection but assess an individual's interest and commitment to programming. We give priority to participants who have initiated developments on their own, whether it's contributions to an open-source project or developing simple tools or utility to try out a programming language.
Trainees would gain three months of on the job training and experience at our office, on weekdays from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm.

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    "Let me take you on a journey where Fidenz wasn't just a workplace but the perfect bridge between hitting the books and real-world career wins. Academic success meets career growth in this story, and Fidenz is the connector that made it happen."
    Narada Abeykoon
    Associate Software Engineer
  • The Story of Fidenz Empowering Future Graduates
    "Let me spill the beans on how Fidenz shapes the future! I'll share my experiences, the mentoring magic, and how Fidenz is all about empowering the next-gen talents. Get ready for a glimpse into the Fidenz culture of growth and support!"
    Shanmu Murugaiah
    Associate Software Engineer
  • How Fidenz Helped Me With My Career Shift
    "Buckle up for my career shift chronicles with Fidenz! I'll spill the tea on how Fidenz didn't just open doors but practically handed me the keys to a new professional chapter. It's not just a workplace; it's the career shift catalyst you've been dreaming of."
    Sameera Morayas
    Associate Software Engineer
  • Unleashing Potential My Journey At Fidenz
    "Join me on a ride through my Fidenz journey! From challenges to triumphs, discover how Fidenz brought out the best in me, proving it's more than just a workplace—it's a space where the potential is set free."
    Minod Perera
    Trainee Software Engineer

History of the Academy

History of the Academy

Back in 2011, Fidenz Academy wasn't formed, and we had invited undergraduates to train with us as an experiment. Such efforts were successful for both the trainees and Fidenz. As a result, some of the trainees were permanently hired, and they are top senior engineers with us now.

Soon after the initial experiment, we were recruiting more and more trainees. This, however, made the workload of the mentors cumbersome and overwhelming. The situation led us to formulate a set of tutorials for the trainees, followed by assessments. These changes and modifications helped Fidenz Academy to get into shape and form.

Today, the academy follows a well-structured and improved set of tutorials and assignments. Moreover, we have increased space to accommodate around 20 persons to train with us simultaneously.

Academic Process

Academic Process

Academic Process
Eligibility Requirements

A candidate applying for an internship position at Fidenz needs to complete the following requirements.

  • Graduate or undergraduate in IT or Science subjects
  • Basic knowledge of technologies and software languages
  • Moderate English language skills
Types of Internships

The company has introduced two main types of internship pathways: General Internship and Super Internship. The categories differentiate from competitiveness, where individuals will be chosen depending on their knowledge/skill set. The recruitment process for each category is differentiated as in the aforementioned diagram.

Freelance pathway

Fidenz believes in giving equal opportunity to those who are enthusiastic about building a solid software career. The company is ready to provide the knowledge and experience for individuals who want to try it and make their pathway in the software field. Those with basic knowledge in software and good command of English can choose this pathway and start with the general internship process.

Aptitude Test

Interviewing large numbers of candidates is difficult and time-consuming. Thus, we have set up an online portal where candidates would complete a series of programming challenges to prove themselves.

The first 80 challenges out of the 100 teach you the basics of JavaScript-based on freeCodeCamp. There onward, it tests your ability to implement algorithms and problem-solving skills. If you are confident with JavaScript, you may start from the 81st challenge and be selected to the academy accordingly. Completing 15 or more challenges above 80 will likely reserve you a spot at Fidenz Academy.

The Training Structure

We have selected a set of technologies to train the participants. Initial few technologies are the basics of the current software development ecosystem. These may include Blockchain, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, ReactJS, Android, iOS, Ruby on Rails, PHP, .Net, Git, and Photoshop.

The programs start with HTML/CSS and JavaScript. The rest of the topics depend on the individual's interests and resource requirements of the company. The top priority of the trainee program is to provide experience on how to learn new technologies within a shorter learning curve. Providing in-depth knowledge of specific technologies is secondary at this stage.

Senior and experienced developers would mentor trainees closely throughout the training period. We provide training material for each technology and allocate time for the trainees to learn such by themselves. These materials are verified and cover the fundamentals of learning. However, trainees may follow additional resources without limiting them to the in-house material.

At the end of the allocated time to study (or earlier if individuals feel confident), the trainees are assessed with an assignment as per standards set by Fidenz Academy. Those who complete the task can move on to the next level of training. The trainees who do not meet the basic discipline in coding will be dropped to provide the opportunity to another.

The above process continues for five different technologies. The trainee completing all the tasks successfully and satisfactorily will be directly employed by Fidenz Technologies.

The Employment

The satisfactory completion of three months of training is followed by employment at Fidenz Technologies.

Testimonials from

Fidenz Academy Graduates

I was mentored by senior engineers, with structured guidelines and tight schedules. With progressession of my knowledge and understanding, I started working on commercial projects and developments. I never looked back since then. By joining Fidenz Academy I’ve learned a lot, and importantly I got a hands on opportunity to learn concepts and fundamentals of technology. For someone determined to improve their knowledge in the industry, this is the best place. Over the years the academy had gotten better with automation, structuring, and exposure; comparing to 2016 when I was a trainee.
"Proud to mention, I am one of the first recruited through Fidenz Academy back in 2012. Now I am a tech lead and give leadership to my own team. An advantage I see at Fidenz is the ability to learn and master many relevant technologies, which I did in few years. While giving technical leadership, I also assist in acquiring new technologies for the company. I enjoy collaborating on system designing and planning, code reviews, validating developments and performance improvements, and training new members at Fidenz. Work experience at Fidenz is very much enjoyable to me. The good foundation I got through the academy, surely deserves an accreditation in this regard."
"I enrolled at the academy while completing my third year of BSc in information technology. With much aspiration but zero experience, I learned to develop mobile applications at Fidenz. I started with basics and fundamentals of Android, and later moved on to iOS. Today I am versed with both Android and iOS applications, and use advanced technologies. I learnt how to successfully face and overcome challenges in commercial projects, while being a trainee at the academy. I encourage everyone else to experience this valuable opportunity."
"I joined Fidenz Academy back in 2015 as a third year university student. This training helped me to transform myself from a student to an engineer, when I was hired to be part of Fidenz family. Thereafter, I lead a team of mobile application developers while providing them with mentoring and guidance. Today I lead a team of four developers on a project on intelligent transport systems (ITS). I am given complete responsibility over the project, and tasked with project management, deliveries, customer relationship management and more. The experience I gathered at the academy could not have been replicated at any school or university. The Fidenz Academy certainly gave me a kickstart for my career."
"The training environment at Fidenz was friendly and conducive to my learning. I obtained very useful and valuable training that would build a solid foundation in the web development technology. I started with the basics and fundamentals of Javascript, HTML, and CSS, and received continuous one-on-one guidance and support. I received constructive feedback and solutions using the industry best practices and standards. Today I am working on a project with a Norwegian client on blockchain. I enjoy working here and am thankful for the training and guidance I receive at Fidenz. I know it will be useful for many years to come."
I joined the Fidenz academy in 2019 after my graduation as a trainee. I was provided with very good guidance and a mentorship by the seniors of Fidenz, which was well structured to train a newbie to fit the standards of the industry. I must state that joining the Fidenz academy was one of the best decisions that I ever made because it gave me such a good chance to learn a lot and get hands-on experience with the latest technologies. Today I’m contributing myself to many ongoing commercial projects. I highly recommend Fidenz Academy to anybody looking forward to join the IT industry, not only as a good training place but also as an enjoyable and friendly working place that is also gender unbiased.

Shehan Mark Fonseka

Software Engineer (2016 - 2020)

Lakitha Samarasinghe

Tech Lead (2012 - 2018)

Tharindu Perera

Senior Software Engineer (2017 - 2020)

Lasith Hettiarachchi

Associate Tech Lead (2015 - 2022)

Stefan Vanderlaan

Associate Software Engineer

Senali Dilumika

Software Engineer

Fidenz Academy Trainers

Fidenz Academy Trainers

Ajith Samaratunga

Head of Academy

Deshan Ruhunage

Head of Engineering

Srimal Wijesuriya

Head of Tech

Ridma Rupasinghe

Senior Software Engineer

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